Festivities that go with a bang

Nov 2020

Don’t know about you, but we’re always concerned about the waste that’s generated at this time of year. As the children start to compile their Christmas lists, they are continually reminded requests for ‘plastic tat’ will be ignored and slowly the message is sinking in.

After the year we’ve had, making Christmas special is a top priority for everyone, but how do we balance the fun festivities, while keeping an eye on our eco-footprint?

These eco-friendly Christmas Crackers from nancyandbetty tick all the boxes; hand made in the UK ‘by elves’, they are recyclable and free from plastic tat, plus for every box sold, they plant a tree. On top of all of that, they have a range of beautiful designs to suit all colours and styles of Christmas table setting. The perfect way to ensure  Christmas goes with an eco-friendly bang!

Box of 6 crackers from £26 at nancyandbetty.com.